Back Squat: 5 sets of 5 working to a heavy set of 5 w/ no belt
**be slightly conservative, keep these reps smooth

For total rounds:

Death by 10M Sprint
*shuttle back and forth for multiple reps (down =1, back =2)
**START at 3, add 1 per min. Record number of minutes completed.

Rest 5 min.

Death by Cal Row
*START at 3, add 1 per min. Record number of minutes completed.

(athletes can do row first if they choose)


12 min. EMOM: 1 Jerk w/ 3 sec. pause in dip and receiving position
*no misses

Rest 2 min, then at 80% of today’s max:
Perform 6 Jerks w/10 sec. hold in receiving position, AFAP

10 min EMOM: 2 complexes w/ towel b/n feet
Hollow/Arch Kip + Kip w/ pull to rings + MU + Ring dip

Accumulate 20 Perfect L-sit pullups AFAP

Midline – After
1 max time elbow plank