Sign up for the CrossFit Torva Fall Classic!
Registration Fee covers the Fall Classic and the CFW Club Championship


Push Press: 5×3 to 3RM

5 Rounds for Time (15 min cap):
10 Power Clean & Jerks (115/75)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)


Before Class
BtN Jerk from blocks: every 90 sec x 8 sets: 3 reps working to a 3RM

Back Squat: 60/5, 70/4, 80/3, 85/3, 90/2, 93/1, 85/3*3 sets

10 min EMOM:
5-10 CTB pullups (kip as you wish, focus on form and stop before sloppy form or a rip)

After Class
5×10 ab wheels + 10 band pullaparts