Full Schedule Tomorrow, Snow or Shine…
Friday: No Afternoon Classes because of Friday Night Lights

The Open and Intramural Games
Friday: First, we need to know which Open Athletes will NOT be there Friday. There is a post in the FB Members Group for this. If you don’t have FB, send us an email at, thanks!  Heats will start around 6:30PM and go until 8:30pm.

T-Shirts: They’ve been ordered and will hopefully be here Friday Night. We will mark off everyone that takes one and charge everyone after they get them. We ordered a few extra in each teams colors.


DB Strict Press: 3×8 from standing position, keep them fast

3 Rounds AFAP:
25 DU
12 Wall Ball (20/14)
12 Pullups
25 DU
Rest 1 Min

Close Stance (pulling stance) Back Squat: 3 singles @ clean max