Dynamic Stretches:
Spiderman w/ Twist
Shinbox Goodmornings
Frog Stretch
Tripod w/ Overhead Reach

2 Sets
10 Hang Muscle Clean
5 Tempo Front Squat (22X1)
5 Tall Cleans

Clean Progression

Power Clean
6 Sets (building in weight)
Reps: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 (NOT T&G)

Perform a set every 2 minutes.
(Reminder to keep RPE around 5 or 6 at most for the week. Weight selections should feel moderate, not exhausting)

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
8 Alt DBall Clean (80/50)*
10 DBall Bearhug Squats
15 Sit-up
20 Double Under
Rest 1 Minute

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