All of the Details for the 2015 Whole Life Challenge can be found on the new CFW Whole Life Challenge Page.


5 Sets, alternating:
5 seal rolls in each direction (10 total) rolling to hollow/arch positions (no hands!)
6-10 CTB Pullups + 10 sec. chin hold above bar
Scale pullups as needed.

3 Minutes on, 3 Minutes off, for 4 Rounds:

6 Hang Squat Cleans (135/85 | R+ 165/115)
6 Burpees Over Bar
Start from top, and record number of reps for each round.


Press from Split: 6,5,4,3,2 to heavy double

BtN Jerk + 2 sec pause in split: every 90 sec complete 2 reps @ 80% x 8 sets

BS: 5 sets of 2 @ 87%

End of Session:
4×10 barbell ab rollouts +one final slow roll and hold at max distance

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