Paleo Challenge

Wednesday is the last day to pay/signup ($5 Cash). For the last time here is ALL of the info you need…

  • Click HERE for the Paleo Challenge Handout
  • Keep your food journal in Wodify (click for tutorial)
    •   Submit your entries for review Daily.
    •   Include your daily points (nutrition and bonus), as well as your total for the week (Monday – Sunday).
    • Include your measurements on the day you measured, and note any changes from your first measurement (i.e -1/2″) on all subsequent measurements. Each Monday, we should see measurements and change. If we don’t have this, you will not be eligible.
    • Check your reviews daily, and make the suggested changes. If you submitted for review and it says pending, let us know.

Your comments section should contain simple yes or no regarding bonuses, measurements (on Mondays), and points. Here is a good example:

Food Journal

Also we are getting a TON of “Is this paleo?” texts, emails, facebooks, comments, etc. Click here to see a much faster way to get answers.


Everyone should have received an email (or three) about memberships today. From this point forward all memberships will be handled in Wodify. Everyone needs to setup a credit card for payments. Go to the My Info tab in the top right of the Wodify page to get setup. We can help with this if needed, just bring your card with you next time you come in. If you have any outstanding payments on the old system, you should have received an email today, please take care of those ASAP so we can shut it down. Thanks!

Competition Group & Barbell Club

If you want to be in one of these groups, email me ( You don’t have to be a badass, just committed to winning at something. If you want to compete in either CrossFit or Weightlifting, you should fall into one of these groups. These are two different things, do the CrossFit workouts or the weightlifting cycle, NOT both. If I tell you to follow the CrossFit training, it’s only because I believe that’s what you should be doing to improve.

Lastly, if you want to do either, you need to have goals. “Getting better” is not a goal. Go compete in something. I don’t care if it’s a hop scotch tournament, pick something to compete in and go win. If you don’t win, train harder, eat better, and try again.

3 of the 5 medals CrossFit Wylie took at it’s ONLY 5k entry, mostly won by our strongest lifters.

Common Question by noobs: “Will CrossFit Wylie help me finish a 5k (tough mudder, etc.)?” 
My answer: “No. CrossFit Wylie will help you WIN a 5k (tough mudder, etc.)”



4 Rounds for Time:
50 Jump Rope
10 Ring Rows
5 Power Cleans (75/45)
5 Front Squats
5 Split Jerk


5 Rounds for Time:
30 Double-Unders
10 Pullups
5 Power Cleans (115/75)
5 Front Squats
5 Split Jerk

Recovery / Mid-Line

2 Rounds:
Stretch 5 Min
15 GHD Situps

Competition WOD

Depending on what we’ve discussed…
Weightlifting Cycle
CrossFit Performance WOD plus GOAT work

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