The 4 person teams for the competition can be any mix of guys and girls. Laura, Chase, Keith and myself will make up 1 team. You can pick your own teams and let me know who they are, then we will pair up anyone not on a team. Again, if you are sure you are going, visit to the Competition Website and signup so I can see you on their roster.
Lisann has offered to pick up everyone’s packets for the 5K, and bring them to the gym Thursday afternoon. If you would like her to pick yours up, leave a comment (on the website post, not Facebook). Thanks Lisann!
10 Minutes of Hang Snatch Practice
15 Minute AMRAP:
5 HSPU (Abmat)
10 Abmat Situps
15 Abmat Back Extensions
20 Double Unders
I’d love mine picked up!
that would be great!
Would you please pick up packets for Katie Derx and Seth Biedenbender.
Mine too, please!!!