Happy Birthday Chase!
Still need Chris E. and Joshua S. to signup for Terror at the Tower event. If you can’t make it let me know so we can adjust the teams. Everyone else, make sure you paid for your registration! All together CrossFit Wylie members will make up all or part of 6 teams! When I first heard about it I guessed we would have 2, maybe. Awesome!
Here are the teams (as they were listed on the board) I have submitted so far. If anything needs to be changed, let me know… TerrorAtTheTowerRoster
15 minutes to establish a 3RM (touch and go) Power Clean.
Alternating Tabata of:
AbMat Situps
NOTES: This is 16 total alternating rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest. Your lowest round of each movement is your score.
Lesson for the day… Don’t do 20 Burpees in the first round