Brandon enjoyed this WAY too much…

13.1, the first open workout will be released Wednesday!

So far we have 40 people signed up for the Open (Rx and scaled)! We invite all of the registered participants to compete with us at CrossFit Wylie each Friday night starting at 6:00PM! If you can’t make it Friday nights, you can complete the workout during any class on Friday. If you can’t make it Friday at all, get with us and we will schedule a time between Wednesday night and Saturday morning for you to get it done.

Our Men’s Scaled Division is a little light on guys so lets get a few more of you signed up. Check that ego and come have some fun working out with us! You procrastinators can sign up Friday night (at the latest).

Regarding competition prep and preparing to put your best effort out:
– Don’t change anything drastic… if you typically only have some juice or a protein shake before workouts, don’t switch to 4 eggs. None of us want to see that result.
– Drink plenty of water starting at least 24 hours before. You will be amazed what being properly hydrated feels like.
– Get at least 7 hours of sleep. We have a lot of workaholics (myself included). You cannot replace good sleep.
– Eat clean. Again you don’t want to change your diet very much right before competing, but if you eat a Chili Cheese Dog, two minutes into the workout you will feel like one. You are what you eat.
-Do NOT take the day before off. If you do nothing Thursday you will feel rusty. We will program a Thursday workout that will keep you primed but not beat you down. A little sore is always better than rusty, particularly regarding lung capacity. I notice a big difference in lung capacity even after taking one day off.

Go forth and conquer…


12 Min of Low-Hang Clean Practice

1 minute ME Pull-ups
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
3 Wall Walks
100 Jump Rope
5 Push Jerks 85/55
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Pull-ups

12 Min to establish 1RM Low Hang Clean + Push Jerk
On both the Low-Hang Clean the barbell should be deadlifted to the hang, then lowered to 1-2″ off the floor. Once the barbell is in the Low-Hang position, a 3 count static pause is required before completing the lift.

1 minute ME Pull-ups
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
5 Wall Walks
50 Double-Unders
5 Push Jerks 135/95
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Pull-ups

1) 7×1 Low-Hang Snatch (3 count pause) + Vertical Hi-Hang Snatch – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec. DEMO VIDEO

2) 7×1 Low-Hang Clean (3 count pause) + Vertical Hi-Hang Clean + Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.
Notes: On both the Low-Hang Snatch and Clean the barbell should be deadlifted to the hang, then lowered to 1-2″ off the floor. Once the barbell is in the Low-Hang position, a 3 count static pause is required. After the Low-Hang Snatch or Clean is performed, without returning the barbell to the floor, the Hi-Hang Snatch or Clean should be performed with little or no forward inclination of the torso. Try to remain as vertical as possible.


1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
5 Wall Walks
75 Double-Unders
5 Push Jerks 155/105#
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups


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