
WOD Warm-UpBands Upper/Lower 2 Sets15/12 cal Row5 Dive Bomber Push-ups20 Shoulder Taps10 Jumping Squats Snatch Warmup/Progression Strength 50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2 reps for 4 sets ConditioningMetConFor Time:800/1,000m row30 HR Push-ups/Rx+ 20 Handstand PU600/750m...


WOD Warm-Up10 e/leg KB RDL8 Goblet Squats15sec Chin-Up Hold20 Double Unders or 40 Singles StrengthBack Squat (Speed Focus)2 Reps Every 40sec x 12 Rounds *Load the same, or slightly heavier, than last week’s weight – focus is speed out of the hole on the...


WOD WarmupDynamic/Box Stretches 2 Sets15/12 Cal Bike10 Cat Cows8 e/side Skater Squats20sec dead hang rig then 10 scap pull-ups Conditioning With a partner for time, split reps80/60 Cal Bike20 KBS (53/35)40 Pull-Ups/Rx+ C2B60 Box Jumps (24/20)40 Pull-Ups/Rx+C2B20...


WOD MetConPartner Wod – Teams of 2 – For Time 1000m row (split)50 Sit- ups (each, at the same time)40 Synchro Air Squats30 Hand Release Push-ups (each at the same time)20 Synchro Burpees 1000m Row (split)


WOD Warmup 2 Sets12/10 Calorie Bike16 Alternating Crush Grip Rotational RDL8e/side Single Arm DB FR Squat20 Alternating Seated Pike Leg Lift Over Strength Every 3 mins x 4 sets5 Deadlifts (T&G) Build up to your weight from the previous week & then start the 4...