
WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets10 scap pull-ups10 RDL w/ empty BB8 e/side skater squats5 Box Jump | Tall Box Jumps Tall Box Jumps: StrengthSpeed/Lower Body Power Benchmark:Build to the 1 rep weight you used last week for squats (9/12),...


WOD Warm-upStretches/Dynamic 2 Sets15/12 Calorie Row15e/side KB Side Bends10 KB Single Arm Push Press + 40′ OH KB Carry (both sides) ConditioningIn Teams of Two, One Person Working at a Time, 4 Rounds For Time:30 Cal Row30 Push Press (95/65) | 30 HSPU200m KB...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets1 Minute Bike (40sec casual/20sec sprint)8 KB Windmill + 8 Single Arm KB Swing +8 Single Arm KB Front Rack Squat* *8 reps each arm StrengthEvery 2 mins x 5 Sets3 Deadlift Build up to your weight from the previous week & then...


WOD General Warm-up, then Kipping Pull-up Practice/Progression (up to 10 minutes) Strength3 Sets10-12 BB Pendlay Row (2sec descent)20-30sec Abwheel Extension HoldMax Rep DB Skullcrushers (3) ConditioningFor Time:30/24 Calorie Row30 L...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets40 Double Under or 60 Jump Rope12 Push-up Pike Toe Touch12 Alternating Tripod w/ Overhead Reach12 DB Side Plank Powell Raise (e/side) (2) Strength4 Sets6 Close Grip Bench Press (21X1)12...