
WOD Strength 10 min. EMOM E-5 push press building w/o failure O-5 single arm DB row w/ pause at chest Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time: 9 Power Cleans (185/125) 6 Strict C2B | R+ Bar MU 10 Weighted Stepups | R+ alt pistols Extra Before Class 10 min. alt EMOM E-3 Pause...


WOD Mobility Trap Smash w/ barbell – 2 min ea Delt Smash w/ LX ball – 2 min ea Glute / Low Back Smash w/ ball – 4 min Conditioning EMOM for 18 Min: 1) 10 Burpee Box Overs 2) 10 Front Squats (40%) 3) 20 Abmat...


WOD Strength Deadlift: 3 sets working up… 4th set = 10RM *All DL for next strength cycle use double overhand/clean grip/no straps *get all 10 reps Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time (20 min cap): 20 UB KB swings (70/53) 50M Suitcase carry (70/53) 50 Double Unders...


WOD Strength Hang Snatch from above knee: 50/3, 60/3, 70/2, 75/2*4 Conditioning AMRAP in 18 min: 400m Run 21 Wallballs (20/14) 9 Burpees Rest 90 sec between rounds Extra Before Class FS: 3 sets working up… 4th set = 10RM *get 10 reps, don’t stress if you...


WOD Strength 6 sets of 5 strict Pullups *Modify as needed to get all 5 reps unbroken, every set Conditioning Alternating chipper – AMRAP in 16 min: 16 DB Goblet Squat 16 Toes to Bar 16 DB Snatch 16 Cal Row 16 Single Arm DB Push Press Rx: 50/35 DB Scaled: 35/20...