
WOD In teams of 2, 4 Rounds for Time: 12 Power Cleans (135/95) 16 Reverse Lunges 20 Abmat Situps *Both partners do each movement, alternating. i.e. Partner A does 8 C&J, Partner B does 8 C&J, Partner A does 12 DL, etc....


This is it! The Final week of the Open and we have a good test of will power! I’ll be emailing out the Heat sign up link. Also remember that this Friday night, after the final heat, we are going to Good Neighbor Brew for CrossFit Wylie’s 5th Anniversary!...


WOD Mobility Couch Stretch – 2 min each Barbell Quad Roll – 2 min Ankle Mob – 2 min each Skill/Technique Work Power Clean + Push Jerk Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time: 20 Jumping Jacks 14 Mountain Climbers 8 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 6 Ring...


WOD Conditioning 5 Rounds at a steady pace, NOT for time: 200m Run 15 Air squats 250m Row 5 Strict Hollow Pullups Strength E2MOM x 10 min: 2 Deadlifts (80-90%) + 6 Box Jumps Extra 4 sets: 8 hollow/arch kips on rings 4 strict chest to ring pullups 2 Ring MU Complete 2...


Adult Olympic Weightlifting Technique Cycles (Ages 15+) – 2 Classes per week for 6 Weeks – Thurs 6PM & Sat 8AM starting March 30th – Coached by USAW Certified Instructor Jeff Brinkman – $150 for members / $200 for non-members These classes...