
WOD Mobility Hamstring Smash w/ LXB or PsoRite Low Back Smash w/ LX Ball Calf Smash w/ LXB or PsoRite Strength 4 Sets: 6-8 Chinups (scale as needed) 12 Banded Reverse Fly 10-12 Cal Ski Erg (DEMO) Conditioning Teams of 2, 10 Rounds for time, Alternating complete rounds...


WOD Strength Deadlift: from 3″ deficit – 50/3, 60/3, 70/2, 75-80/1x6sets *some may not be flexible enough to use deficit, adjust as needed and work with coaches to find best possible position. Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes, alternating station every...


Are you willing to do the hard things or do you take shortcuts and avoid discomfort? Do you do what you should or do what’s easy? Are you as fit as you should be? Are your relationships as strong as they should be? Taking the easy way out allows you to flow...


WOD For Time: 21 Thrusters (75/50) 21 Burpees over bar 18 Hang Power Snatches 18 Burpees over bar 15 Thrusters 15 Burpees over bar 12 Hang Snatches 12 Burpees over bar 9 Thrusters 9 Burpees over bar 6 Hang Snatches 6 Burpees over bar Extra Snatch + Snatch Low Hang...


WOD Strength Clean + Low Hang Clean: 60/2, 70/2, 80/1, 85/1, 88/1 Conditioning 4 rounds: 50 Double Under 10 C2B Pullups | R+ 6 Bar Muscle-ups 1 Minute Rest Extra Strength Back Squat: 50/10, 60/8, 70/8, 75/8, 80/8 4 Sets: 6 Weighted Pullups 8-10 STRICT ring dips 90 sec...