
WOD MobilityBike 3 MinutesDynamic Warm-upBanded Dynamic Warm-up (Passthroughs, etc..) Primer6e/side Hip Airplanes15sec e/side Skater Squat Hold + 6 Alt Skater Squats10e/side KB Windmill Press StrengthFront Squat: 50/4, 60/3, 65/3, 70/2*3 Tempo: 22X1(2sec descent, 2sec...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll: Athletes Choice (8 Minutes)Dynamic Warm-upSkill: Tripod Headstand Practice (10 Minutes) ConditioningIn Teams of 2, Complete 5 Rounds, One Partner Working at a Time:100′ Bear Crawl | Partner Wheelbarrow*30 Russian KBS (70/53)20 Strict...


WOD Warm-upBanded Stretch (Upper/Lower)3 Minute Bike (20sec Fast/40sec Slow)Dynamic Warm-upClean Progression StrengthWarm-up to 70% of 1RM Power Clean, thenEMOM for 12 Minutes (4 Rounds):(1) 3 @ 70%(2) 2 @ 75%(3) 1 @ 80% ConditioningDeath by AssaultBegin with 5...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll: Glutes, Hip Flexor, Quad, CalvesGlute StretchCossack Squat StretchCalf StretchDynamic Warm-up Primer2 Sets15sec e/arm Single Arm Prone Plank10e/leg Single Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl30 Double/Single Unders StrengthBack Squat: Warm-up to 60%,...


WOD MobilityLXB Smash: Hips/Glutes, Adductor, Traps, Rotator CuffDynamic Stretches Primer10 Cat Cow Stretch10 Tripod w/ Overhead Reach6e/leg Hip Airplanes10e/leg Single Leg Skater Squats StrengthBack Squat: 50/6, 60/6, 70/4, 75/4*4 ConditioningT.U.PFor...


WOD Dynamic Warm-up, then… 10 Minutes to work on technique for Tripod Headstands/Leg Lifts Strength3 Sets20 Pike Leg Lift Over (L+R=2)3e/arm Turkish Get-up4 Feet Elevated Laying to Standing Rope Climb | 3 Rope Climbs (3)