On November 14th, Darren Smith lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis, passing away at the age of 59. 
Darren joined CrossFit Wylie in November of 2012, just 5 months after receiving a double lung transplant. Darren was incredibly inspiring and proof that anyone can do CrossFit. In spite of his constant health struggles, time in and out of the hospital, transplant, and more, he was the consummate optimist. Darren was the type of guy that always smiled, never said a bad word about anyone, and always made the gym a better place by simply walking through the doors. Darren was also part of the motivation that led to CF4CF. A CrossFit Wylie Fundraiser that raised over $70,000 benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in search of a cure. Darren was a huge part of our time at CrossFit Wylie and will truly be missed.
CrossFit Wylie has now lost two members of its family to Cystic Fibrosis, a  disease with no cure and an average lifespan of 44 years. If able, please support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation by clicking HERE.
CF also commonly leads towards the need of a transplant and is the third most common reason for lung transplantation. Please consider signing up as an organ donor and find more info HERE.
– Chris & Laura Coker
Darren is survived by his wife Dana Smith. Dana wanted to share the following:
When Darren Smith was 11 years old, he and his parents were told that 2 of their 3 boys not only had Cystic Fibrosis but that they would probably not survive into their teens. Cystic Fibrosis or CF is an inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system and other organs in the body. There was very little research being done and medications merely slowed the progression somewhat. Darren and Daniel’s parents were basically told to go home and enjoy the time they had with their children. Daniel sadly passed away of CF at the age of 19.

But in true Darren Smith fashion, he did not let CF hold him back. He played T-ball, baseball and Pop Warner football as a kid, then continued into high school running cross country, and playing football and basketball. He knew he felt better when he was working out.

But when Darren turned 19, he started getting sick a lot and started going into the hospital several times per year for IV antibiotic treatments. He had to give up sports like softball and bowling. He was told not to expect to live into his 30s.

This prognosis didn’t sit well with Darren so we started researching what the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was doing. It seemed that the CF Foundation was making remarkable strides. But by 2011, even the most advanced drugs were no longer working and Darren’s doctor decided it was time for us to admit we needed to move to the Dallas area to get listed on the double-lung transplant list. By June of 2012, Darren was on 6 liters of oxygen and couldn’t walk. He probably had less than 2 weeks left to live. He received the call for new lungs on June 18th, 2012. He had a remarkably quick recovery and Darren kicked his 12 week physical therapy out in 5 weeks. He needed more. That’s when he found Chris and Laura Coker at CrossFit Wylie. He had found his Nirvana! His place. He loved his CrossFit family although he might not exactly show it. He never once complained that he didn’t want to go to CrossFit. He may not have been the biggest, toughest or strongest. He definitely wasn’t the youngest but it’s hard to find someone with more determination. All he wanted was to encourage others with CF and raise money for more research. Current drugs such as the wonder drug Trikafka are improving young lives and extending life expectancy into the mid-40s! All of this because of private research through the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

Darren had to stop CrossFit in 2019 when his anti-rejection drugs caused his kidneys to fail. He was no longer strong enough to do the thing he loved. Darren continued to decline over the next 3 years with multiple organ failure and passed this world at home on Monday, November 14th. 

Join us Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 at 8AM & 9AM as we honor and remember Darren by completing a workout written by Chris, made up of Darren’s favorite movements.>

In teams of 2, for Time, one partner working at a time:

59 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
59 HR Pushups
59 Wall Balls (20/14)
59 Deadlifts (135/95)
59 Burpees
590 Meter Farmers/Dball Carry*

*One partner farmer carries while other carries Dball, switch as needed.