Just wanted to send a short newsletter re-capping some things, and to make sure everyone is informed on upcoming events.

For daily updates, make sure you are subsribed to receive the Daily WOD Blog via email, join the Private Facebook Group for CrossFit Wylie Members, follow the Facebook Page, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

USA Weightlfitng National Championships

The Nation’s Weightlifting Championship took place right here in Dallas Aug 13-16. CrossFit Wylie managed to qualify two athletes for the largest championship meet in USAW’s history!

Erik Alejos, who has been struggeling through a shoulder injury for the last 6 months, lifted in the 77kg/169lb weight class, and fought through his issues to Snatch 109kg/240lb, and Clean & Jerk 133kg/293lb for a 242kg Total. This was well under his potential, but a very successful and impressive outing considering the situation. Erik is getting his shoulder operated on and we are looking forward to seeing him stronger than ever very soon!

Jourdan Delacruz, who relocated this summer to train full time as a resident of the Olympic Training Center in Colorado made a successful return to her home state, hitting PR’s in the Snatch, Clean & Jerk and Total, for the best meet of her short career. Lifting in the 53kg/117lb weight class, she Snatched 75lk/165lb and Clean & Jerked 92kg/202lb for a 167kg total, good enough for 6th place against the best lifters in the country.

Jourdan will also be representing Team USA in the Youth Pan-American Championships on September 17th!


Sticking with the topic of weightlifting and competition, we have more and more people participating in our weightlifting program, so as you’ve likely noticed, we decided to rearrange a bit, adding a third platform and giving the gym more usable space. Not sure why we didn’t change it earlier, I really like the new layout!

This new space is not just for weightlifters! Anyone can use it, especially if you are doing the extra work outside of a normal class.

CrossFit Torva Grand Opening and Competition

Our second location, CrossFit Torva, in Addison on Beltline & Marsh is NOW OPEN! If you have friends or family in the area, send them over for a FREE workout!

Join us at Torva on September 12th at 11AM to celebrate the Grand Opening of CrossFit Torva! There will be a Free workout for anyone wanting to join us. After the workout we will hangout and socialize for a bit and then go out for lunch!

In addition to the Grand Opening, CrossFit Torva and CrossFit Wylie are joining forces for the Fall Classic Fitness Competition at Torva on October 17th. This is a great, one day competition for indivuals and teams of two, catering to ALL LEVELS of athletes. New or veteran, it will be a great experience!

The Whole Life Challenge & Hydrostatic Test

CrossFit Wylie’s 3rd Whole Life Challenge will start on September 19th. The optional Hydrostatic Body Test will be at the gym September 17th. The challenge and the test is open to the public! Get your friends and family to join us! NEW: The kickoff meetings for the challenge participants will be at 7:45PM on Thur, Sep 17th and another on Sat, Sep 19th at 11AM. The meetings are not mandatory, but definitely reccomended. We will go over the rules, guidelines, nutrition facts, etc. and have a Q&A. For all details and links regarding the challenge, visit the event page here.

Labor Day Schedule

Last but not least, a reminder that Monday is Labor Day and we will have a modified schedule!
Gym Open 830AM – 1200PM
No Kids Classes
CrossFit Classes at 900AM & 1000AM Only
Open Gym 11-12

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