
WOD Warm-up2 sets:40sec Row (easy) + 20sec Row (sprint)5 Slow Blackburn Stretch12 Alternating Quadruped Shoulder Tap8 Dive Bomber Push-up (3) https://youtu.be/RUjjKrORHpI StrengthPush Press: 6,6,6,6 rest 90-120sec between sets *Hold 3sec Overhead on every rep...


WOD Warm-up2 sets:5 snatch pulls5 muscle snatches5 overhead squats5 hang snatches5 snatches StrengthSnatch – 1 set:5 snatches (20%)3 snatches (40%)3 snatches (50%)2 snatches (60%)1 snatch (70%) ConditioningFor Time:21-18-15-12-9Deadlift (135/95) | (185/135)Box...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets20sec e/leg Long Split Squat (pulsing)20sec Hanging Tuck Hang or Hanging L-Sit Hold6 Explosive Burpee to Vertical Jump (1) https://youtu.be/ibAk2a6rH4g(2) https://youtu.be/B3gtmd0Upng StrengthEMOM x 6 MinutesBack Squat: Build up to roughly 50% (of...


WOD Warm-up 2 sets12/9cal bike6e/side Half Kneeling KB Windmill8e/side Quadruped KB Pullthrough10 Dive Bomber Push-up (3) https://youtu.be/WQyNCzqNqso StrengthPush Press; 8,8,8,8; rest 90-120sec between setsHold 3sec Overhead on every rep ConditioningAMRAP in 2...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Band 2 Sets12 Alternating Push-up Pike Toe Touch5e/leg Single Leg Goodmorning12 Strict Knee Raises Strength5 sets for load – building:8 deadlifts ConditioningFor Time:15-12-9HR Push-upKB Swing (53/35)20′ Single Arm KB OH Walking Lunge...