
WOD 6-8 Minute Mobility (Foam Roll/LXB Smash) Dynamic Warm-up/Stretch Strength3-4 Sets8-10 DB Floor Bridge Press15-20 Banded/Cable Straight Arm Pulldown12-15 Ab Wheel Rollouts or 20sec GHD Hollow Hold Conditioning – Accessory Interval Training EMOM x 12 Minutes...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets15-20 Anterior Tib Raise12 Strict Hanging Knee Raise10 Single Arm KB Swing + 10 Single Arm KB Thruster (e/side)200m Run ConditioningAlphabet Soup – The goal over the 6 weeks of seeing this format is to gain confidence in your ability to pace no...


WOD Warm-UpPVC Pipe/Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets5 Hang Clean High Pull5 Hang Muscle Clean5 Front Squats5 Tall Cleans5 Power Cleans StrengthClean Complex – 4 Working Sets: 2 Clean Pull1 Pause Power Clean (above knee)1 Power Clean Start your working set around 50%...


McGhee Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Ga. This was his fourth deployment, his first to Iraq. Ryan was engaged to...


WOD Warm-up2 sets:8 Dolphin Stretch10 Push-up Pike Toe Touch6 KB Windmill + 6 Unilateral Front Rack Squat (e/side)40 Jump Rope/Double Under StrengthEvery 3 Minutes x 4 Rounds:4 Tempo Front Squat (22X1)* Build up to roughly 55-65% of your normal FS 1RM weight for the 4...