
WOD Warm-up2 Sets3 Inchworms10e/side Side Plank Hip Tap5e/arm Tripod w/ Reach5 Double Push-up Burpee100m Run Strength4 Sets8/6/4/3 Tempo Close Grip Bench Press20-30sec GHD Hollow Hold100′ Farmer’s Carry (AHAP) (2)


WOD Dynamic Warm-up/Stretches Clean Progression/Warm-up StrengthEMOM x 10 Minutes1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean ConditioningEMOM x 16 Minutes (4 Rounds) – Record round with lowest total reps:(1)Alt DBall Ground to Shoulder (80/50)(2) Double Under(3) Toes to Bar(4) 100m...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets10 Banded Pass Throughs15 Supinated Pull-apart10 Wall Angel3 Wall Walk (3sec pause at the top) Strength4 Sets1 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk200′ Single Arm KB OH Carry (switch arms at 100′) ConditioningFor Time:10-20-30-20-10Calorie...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets10 Alternating Shinbox Goodmornings10e/side Elephant Step5e/side KB Windmill Press10 KB Jump Squat (4) Strength4 Sets8/6/4/3 Tempo Front Squats (21X1)5 Box Jumps (increase in height ea set) ConditioningAMRAP...


WOD Warm-upBanded Stretch (Upper/Lower) Dynamic Warm-up/Stretch ConditioningAMRAP in 20 minutes, In Teams of 2, one partner working at a time:1000m/800m Row30 Power Clean and Jerk (115/65) | (155/115)30 Burpee Over Bar300m Partner Run30 Pull-up |...