
WOD Strength Back Squat: 12 min to find heavy single with 10 sec pause in the bottom *this should NOT be a grind, as soon as acceleration drops considerably, stop Conditioning AMRAP in 20: 100M OH Carry (45/25 plate) | R+ 40ft. HS walk 18 Russian KB Swings (70/53)...


WOD Strength Deadlift: 6 sets every 2 min – 6 reps at 65% + 6 box jumps w/ step down Conditioning In teams of 4, 5 Rounds Each for Total Time: 20/18 Cal Row 12 Clapping Pushups Rest Partner B starts rowing as soon as Partner A gets off the rower, Partner C...


WOD Strength Clean: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2 Conditioning AMRAP in 16 minutes: 7 Strict Pullups | R+ 4 Ring MU 10 Thrusters (95/65) 60 Double Unders Rest 1 minute Extra Before Front squat – deload week -5 sets of 5 at 70% *Pause for 3 sec. in bottom of...
Podium Up Weightlifting Club

Podium Up Weightlifting Club

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Home/Travel WODs

Home/Travel WODs You can always do these workouts with little or no equipment. Good for travel as well. For more ideas visit or view this list of body weight workouts. Be sure to scale your workouts to match your ability level! Post your...