
WOD “12 Days of Christmas” CrossFit Wylie Style… For Time, Perform to like the song; 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. until you complete 12-1. 1 – Power Snatch (135/85) 2 – Burpee Box Jump (24/20) 3 – Ring Dips 4 – V-ups 5 – Power Cleans...


WOD Mobility Tricep Smash 2 min on e/s T-spine mobility with peanut Pec smash 2 min e/s Strength Work to 3RM Bench Press Conditioning With a running clock: 0-4 minutes: 60/45 Cal Row for Time 4-8 minutes: 45/30 Cal Bike for Time 8-12 minutes: 40 Burpees for Time Rest...


WOD Strength 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk *starting roughly 50-60% of 1RM Push press and build Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time 15 Power Snatches (65/45) 15 Box jump, step down (24/20) *Keep the chest up, eyes forward, and back straight on the snatches! Extra 10 min. EMOM...


Holiday Schedule Saturday 24th: 9AM Community WOD (bring family and friends!) Sunday 25th: Closed Monday 26th: 9AM / 10AM Monday Jan 2nd: 9AM / 10AM WOD Strength Clean: 6-8 sets of 3 start, around 50% and build Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time: 6 Power Cleans (115/75 |...


Reminder, no 11AM class.  WOD Strength Back Squat: 12 min. to find 2 rep BS w/ 3 sec. pause in first rep Conditioning AMRAP in 14 minutes: 40 WallBalls (20/14) 30 Pullups 20 Burpees Extra 10 sets: Every 90 sec. – Snatch w/ 2 sec. pause below the knee *build as...