
WOD Mobility Couch Stretch 2 min e/side Box Shoulder Stretch 2 min Weighted Standing Hamstring Stretch 1 min Strength 4-5 sets: 8 Seated DB Press 6-8 Strict Chinups Conditioning 40 sec on / 20 sec off, for max reps in 3 rounds: Burpees Box Jump (24/20 w/ stepdown)...


WOD Conditioning 3 rounds for time (16 min cap): 1 round= 5-3-1 Power Clean & Jerk (135/85) | R+ 165/115 7-5-3 C2B Pullup | R+ 3-2-1 Ring MU Rest 2 min after each round. Note: 16 minute cap = 4 min rounds. Scale accordingly to finish all reps within the cap....


Happy New Year! Schedule Reminder 31st, Monday: NO 600P or 700P 1st, Tuesday: 900A Community WOD – FREE to ALL! Be sure any new visitors register for the class BEFORE arriving, thanks! WOD For time, in teams of 3, w/ 2 people working at time: 22,019 Meter Air Bike At...


New Years Schedule 31st, Monday: 530A / 800A / 900A / 400P / 500P (NO 6 or 7) 1st, Tuesday: 900A Community WOD – FREE to ALL. Be sure any new friends register for the class BEFORE arriving, thanks! WOD Strength Power Snatch: Build to Heavy Double (not t&g)...


New Years Schedule 31st, Monday: 530A / 800A / 900A / 400P / 500P (NO 6 or 7) 1st, Tuesday: 900A Community WOD – FREE to ALL. Be sure any new friends register for the class BEFORE arriving, thanks! WOD In Teams of 2, for Total Time: 20 Farmers Carry Laps (53/35)...