Thur – 05/01/2014

Mobility WOD Will be focused on recovery from this week and any thing else the class chooses. WOD 10-15 minutes of barbell work This can be snatch or clean & jerk, or any variation of the lifts. Tell your coach what you struggle with and they will give you some...

Wed – 04/30/2014

A couple small schedule changes as many of you expected. 730AM will only be on Thursdays, and Noon has been added to Fridays. WOD 1A) Back Squat 4×5@80% Rest 60 seconds 1B) Partner Drags 4x 20m walking drag + 20m running drag (DEMO) Rest 2 minutes For the drag,...

Tue – 04/29/2014

Read: Mobility for People Who Hate Doing Mobility WOD Bench Press 5×6 Build to a heavy set of 6. For Time: Row 1K then, 2 Rounds of: 25 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 35 Box Jumps w/ step down (24/20) EXTRA Behind the Neck Jerk 5×3@75% Jerk Dip Squat...

Mon – 04/28/2014

WOD Weighted Pullups 4×6 Rest 60 seconds alternate w/ GHD Situp or V-Up 4×10-15 Rest 90 seconds 8 minute AMRAP 30 Double Unders 6 Squat Cleans (185/115) Do NOT go over 80% of 1RM on cleans. Scale for singles is 2:1 EXTRA Back Squat 3×10@70% Hang Snatch...

Fri – 04/25/2014

CF4CF is this Saturday! WORKOUTS HEATS LIVE SCOREBOARD DIRECTIONS WOD “Fran” 21-15-9 for time: Thrusters (95/65) Pullups