
WOD Warm-upDynamic Stretch/Warm-up 3 Sets20 Lateral Hop Over DB12 Alternating Push-up to Pike Toe Touch (L+R=2)12e/side DB Side Plank Powell Raises (5-12#) Strength3-4 Sets10-12 Ring Face Pulls* or Banded Face Pulls*20 Alternating Seated Pike Leg Lift100′ KB...


WOD Warm-up LXB Smash: Trap/Pecs/Shoulders & Adductor/Hips/Glutes Dynamic Stretches 2 Sets10/8 Calorie Row10 Dive Bomber Push-ups10 Alternating Jumping Lunges (scale: Jumping Squats)10 Empty BB Hang Muscle Clean to Press ConditioningFight Gone Bad (Score For Reps,...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets200m Run “Dumbbell Clean Warm-up”6 Squeeze Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (6e/side Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean6e/side Pause Push-Press Strength6-8 Sets to build up to either a 1RM or 3RM Push Press (no tempo). *Ensure arms/elbows lockout...


WOD Warm-upPVC Pipe + Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets5 Hang Clean High Pull5 Hang Muscle Clean​​​​​​​5 Hang Power Cleans5 Front Squats5 Tall Cleans Strength(12 Minutes) 6-8 Sets to build up to a 1RM Clean Conditioning”Macho Man”EMOM for as Long as Possible (Record...


WOD ConditioningIn Teams of 2 for Time, one partner working at a time:2k/1600m Partner Row200m Overhead Plate Carry (45/25)*30 DBall Over Shoulder (80/50)150 Double Unders100 Abmat Sit-ups150 Double Unders30 DBall Over Shoulder200m Overhead Plate Carry2k/1600m Partner...