
WOD StrengthE90S x 9 sets: Set 1-3: 3 position snatch (hip, hang, floor)Set 4-6: 2 position snatch (hang, floor)Set 7-9: 1 snatch *go based on feel, start light and build, don’t exceed 85%*see if you can start a little bit heavier than last week, maybe by 3-5%...


WOD StrengthE3M x 3 sets -10 deadlifts, start at 45% of 1RM and build based on feel for today -half kneeling single arm banded lat pull downs x 12/side -push-ups x 8-10 MetCon1min on, 1min off: -10 push presses 95/65# (RX+ 115/75)…In remaining time, max double...


WOD MetConIn teams of two, alternating movements, 30min AMRAP:-400m run-20 BB clusters (clean + thruster) (95/65#) (135/95#)-20 Push ups-Row 500/400m-20 Deadlifts-20 Pull-ups-20 Wallballs 20/14#


WOD StrengthE5M x 3 sets:Back squat x 8 @ 40% immediately followed by…Max effort front squats MetConEMOM x 20min (5 sets)1: DB devil presses 35s/25s (50s/35s)2: T2B/hanging knee raises3: max double front rack reverse lunges4: rest*record lowest...


WOD MetConE8M x 5 sets-400m Run-16 Walking DB/KB Lunges (8/side)-8 T2B-32 Double Unders *Aim for equal parts work:rest. Each round should be done with the same intensity or higher intensity, every subsequent round.