
WOD Mobility Foam Roll/LXB Smash: Athletes choice (8 Minutes) Primer 5 Inchworms 10 Alt Spiderman w/ Twist 10 Alt Downdog w/ Leg Lift 10 Alt Tripod w/ Reach Strength 3 Sets 20sec Hanging L-Sit Hold or Floor Pike-up Hold 20 GHD Hip Extensions 15 BB Bent Over Row...


WOD Mobility Banded Stretch (Upper) Dynamic Warm-up Primer 2 Sets 10 e/leg SL Poor Man’s Leg Curl 20sec e/side Copenhagen Planks 6 DBall Jump Squats Strength Clean Pulls: Build to 90% of your Clean 1RM, then 4×5...


WOD Mobility LXB Smash: Pecs, Traps, Rotator Cuff Armbar Stretch Swimmer’s Stretch Primer 10 Cat Cow 10 Dive Bomber Push-ups 10e/side Half Kneeling Bottoms-Up KB Press 20sec Chin-up Hold Strength Push Press 60/10, 65/10, 70/8, 70/8 Banded Strict Chin-ups...


WOD Mobility Foam Roll: T-Spine, Lats, Glutes, Legs/Adductor Primer 2 Sets 1 Minute on Rower/Bike 5e/leg Hip Airplanes 5 BB Goodmorning + Squat Strength Back Squat 57/10, 62/8, 67/8, 71/8 Front Squat 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 70/5 Conditioning AMRAP in 3 Rounds (3 Minute...