
WOD MOBILITYFoam Roll: T-Spine, Lats, Hip/QuadsPVC Pipe Warm-upCalf/Ankle Stretch PRIMER2 Sets:5 Hang Muscle Snatch5 BTN Push Press5 OHS STRENGTHSnatch + Hang Snatch + OHS15 Minutes to build up and/or work on technique. You should not place the bar down at any point...


WOD MOBILITYBike 2 MinutesPigeon StretchFrog StretchKneeling StretchDynamic Warm-Up PRIMER2 Sets:6e/side Hip Airplane20sec BB Deep Squat Hold6 Tempo Squats (3sec descent, 1sec pause, AFAP) STRENGTHBack Squat6 sets of 6Warm-up to 60%, then EMOM 6 reps for 6 Rounds (6...


WOD MobilityLXBall Shoulders, Traps, PecsChild’s PoseArmbar StretchSpiderman w/ TwistRag DollPigeonDeep Squat + Alt OH Reach 200m jog Primer2 Sets:10 Poor Man’s Leg Curl10 Alt Tripod w/ OH Reach10 Jumping Squats ConditioningTeams of 2, TWO rounds for time,...


WOD MobilityPVC Warmup Primer2 Sets:10 Downdog/Cobra10 BB Pendlay Rows (light-moderate weight)10 BB Good Mornings StrengthBench Press50/5, 60/4, 70/3, 75/3, 80/3 Conditioning10 Minute AMRAP:5 Pull-ups (strict Rx+)10 Push Press (95/65)15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)100m...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll 7 minutes Child’s PosePigeon StretchFrog StretchSpiderman w/ Twist Rig – Quad, Calves, Cossack Squats Primer3 Sets15s e/leg Copenhagen Plank6e/side KB Windmill w/ Shoulder Press10 KB Squats100m Jog ConditioningFive Rounds for time:12...