
WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretches 2 Sets4 Double Push-up Burpee8e/arm Single Arm KB Swing8e/arm KB Press + Windmill8e/arm Single Arm KB Rack Squat (1) https://youtu.be/47L9PaITm8I(4) https://youtu.be/Wqg4NY5XAkU Strength3 Sets8 Close Grip Bench Press (21X1)*12 DB...


WOD Week 1/6 of the new cycle – Focus technique and quality of movement this week. Weights will stay light/moderate to allow body to recover. Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretches 2 Sets15/12 Calorie Bike20′ KOT (knee over toes) Walking Lunges15 Strict Knee...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretch 2 Sets10+10 Supinated + Pronated Banded Pullapart12 Alternating Push-up Toe Touch8/6 Calorie Row Sprint Conditioning”Demetrius”For Time:20-16-12-8-4Bench Press (155/105)Calorie Row Strength3 Sets12 DB Glute Bridge Floor...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets10 BB Sumo Stance Goodmorning12 Alternating BB Reverse Lunge10 BB Thrusters20sec Side Plank (e/side) StrengthHip/Hinge Benchmark: Warm-up to your bodyweight, then complete a set of deadlift for max unbroken reps. Resting the bar on the floor for more...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll/LXB Smash: Pec Stretch, Lats/Triceps, Rotator Cuff Skill8 Minutes to find max unbroken set of T2B OR max unbroken GHD Sit-ups* *once you stop/rest, it ends the set Strength3 Sets6 Heavy DB Pullover (paused at bottom)12-15 Abwheel RolloutMax Rep...