
WOD Warm-up2 Sets5 Cat Cow Stretch5 SLOW Shoulder Extension Bridge (hold 3sec at top)12e/side Side Plank Thread the Needle40 Double Under or 80 Single Jumps20 Banded Supinated Pull-aparts (2)...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up + Clean Progression StrengthEvery 2 Minutes x 5 Sets (build up as able)1.1 Hang Clean + 3 Front Squat Conditioning3 Rounds for Time:15/12 Calorie Row12 Alternating BB Front Rack Lunge (95/65)8 Thruster15/12 Calorie RowRest 2...


WOD Happy 4th of July! “Team 1776” In teams of 3 for Time, complete a total of 1776 reps involving all exercises in any order (one partner working at a time):Kettle-bell swings (53/35)Air squatsPush-upsPull-upsBurpeesSit-upsCalorie rowDouble-unders (or 2x...


WOD Warm-up6 Minutes Mobility/Rolling – Athletes’ Choice General Stretching/Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets15 Anterior Tibialis Raises10e/side Narrow Stance KB Rotational Deadlift10e/side Knee Over Toe Split Squat (1)...


WOD Warm-upPerform dynamic stretches for warm-up, then start the workout with a Pre-Fatigue Power Test (For Time). The Power Test should be performed at submaximal efforts, pushing the pace nearing unsustainable levels (80-90% sprint). Rest at least 5-10 minutes (as a...