
WOD Warm-upBanded Stretch (Upper/Lower Body)15/12cal BikeDynamic Warm-up StrengthBack Squat: Warm-up to 75%, then 4×3 ConditioningAMRAP in 21 Minutes (Counting only COMPLETED Rounds): AMRAP in 6 Minutes:6 Power Cleans (95/65) | (155/105)10 Chest to Bar | 4 Bar MU...


WOD MobilityLXB or Foam Rolling (6 Minutes): Athlete’s Choice30sec e/side Samson Stretch10 Cat Cow StretchDynamic Warm-up300m Run Strength4 Sets15 Barbell Hip Thrust15 Weighted Push-up30sec Weighted Planks ConditioningFor Time:200m Run15 BB Bent Over Rows...


WOD MobilityLXB Hamstring/Glute SmashChild’s Pose Box StretchRagdoll StretchDynamic Warm-up Primer2 Sets10 Calorie Row20sec e/leg Copenhagen Planks6e/leg Box Blast Off StrengthDeadlift: Build up to 75%, then perform 2 reps every 90 seconds for 6 Rounds (9...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll (6 Minutes): T-Spine, Lats/Triceps, Glutes/Hip Flexor10 Alt Scorpion Twists10 Swimmer’s Stretch10 Alt Tripod w/ Reach15/12 Calorie Bike Primer2 Sets3 Tempo Chin-ups (32X2)8e/arm Half Kneeling KB Windmill (scale with normal Windmills)15e/arm...


WOD MobilityLXB Smash: Pecs, Delt, Traps, Hips, AdductorDynamic Warm-up Primer2 Sets5e/leg Hip Airplane6e/leg Skater Squats15sec Side Plank w/ Leg Raise StrengthBack Squat: 60/6, 70/4, 75/4, 80/2, 85/2*3 Conditioning4 Rounds for Time:10 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) |...