
WOD MOBILITYBanded Stretches (Upper/Lower)Dynamic Warm-Up2 min Rower CONDITIONING4 Rounds (40s Work/20s Rest) No Measure:RowerV-UpsKB Swing (53/35)Plank … and then800m run OR 1k row OR 2k bike Cool Down:8 min EMOM together Child’s PoseThread the NeedleArmbar...


WOD MOBILITYFoam Roll: Pec Stretch, T-Spine, LegsChild’s Pose StretchKneeling StretchArmbar StretchDynamic Warmup PRIMER2 Sets10 Swimmer’s Stretch5 Dive Bomber Pushups10 Supinated Banded Pull-Aparts STRENGTHBench Press: Build to 5RM, then drop down to 80%...


WOD MOBILITYFoam Roll: T-Spine, Lats, Hip/QuadsPVC Pipe Warm-upCalf/Ankle Stretch PRIMER2 Sets:5 Hang Muscle Snatch5 BTN Push Press5 OHS STRENGTHSnatch + Hang Snatch + OHS15 Minutes to build up and/or work on technique. You should not place the bar down at any point...


WOD MOBILITYBike 2 MinutesPigeon StretchFrog StretchKneeling StretchDynamic Warm-Up PRIMER2 Sets:6e/side Hip Airplane20sec BB Deep Squat Hold6 Tempo Squats (3sec descent, 1sec pause, AFAP) STRENGTHBack Squat6 sets of 6Warm-up to 60%, then EMOM 6 reps for 6 Rounds (6...


WOD MobilityBB Smash: Traps, Lats, TricepsChild’s Pose (OH Stretch w/ BB)Dynamic Stretch/Warm-up15 Calorie Bike Conditioning4 Rounds for Time:20/16 Calorie Bike10 Dbl DB Snatch (35/20)*20′ DB Walking Lunge | Dbl DB OH Walking Lunge10 C2B | 5 Muscle...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll: T-Spine, Glutes, QuadsFoam Roll Pec StretchDynamic Stretch Foam Roll Pec Stretch: Primer2 Sets6e/arm Single Arm Ring Row5 BB Aipa Rows15 Banded Supinated Row StrengthEMOM for 12 Minutes (6 Rounds):(1)...