
WOD MobiliityFoam Roll (5 Minutes): T-Spine, Lats, Hips, QuadsChild’s PoseT-Spine StretchScorpion TwistsDynamic Warm-up ConditioningIn Teams of 2, Max Rep EMOM for 5 Rounds (23 Minutes), Partners Alternating Movements:Row for CaloriesSquat Clean Thruster...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up400m RunPizza Game ConditioningFor Time, In Teams of 2, One Partner Working at a Time:800m Partner Run60 KB Russian Swings (70/53)50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)40 Pull-ups30 Synchro Partner Clap Push-up200 Double Unders30 Synchro Partner Clap...


WOD MobilityFoam Roll: T-Spine, Lats, LegsBanded Passthroughs/Around the World20 Calorie RowDynamic Stretches Strength4 Sets10 DB Bicep Curls15 Supinated Banded Pull-apart3 Paused Bench Press Build up to 70%, then 4×3 Paused Bench Press(3sec pause at bottom,...


WOD MobilityBanded Stretch (Upper/Lower)Dynamic Warm-up Primer2 Sets10 Dive Bomber Push-ups10 Alt Cossack Squats5 Front Squats5 Hang Muscle Cleans5 Tall Cleans Power Clean Progression Conditioning”The Chief”Max Rounds in 3 Minutes of: 3 Power Cleans6...


WOD MobilityLXB Smash: Pecs, Delts, Traps, Glutes/Hips, AdductorSamson/Half Kneeling StretchKneeling StretchChild’s Pose Dynamic Warm-up Primer2 Sets8 e/side Half Kneeling KB Windmill6e/side KB Quadruped Pullthrough20 Single/Double Unders (1)...


WOD MobilityBB Smash: Traps, TricepsCouch Stretch/Pizza GameDynamic Warm-up/Stretches Primer3 Sets6e/leg Box Blast Off12 Pendlay Row12 BB RDL ConditioningIn Teams of Two, AMRAP in 15 Mins, One Person Working at a Time:30 Calorie Row30 Box Jump Over (24/20) | (30/24)30...