by Kelly McKinney | Jan 10, 2023 | WOD
WOD StrengthE4.5M x 4 sets:-Pause bench press x 5 w/ :3 pause at chest, start light and end at a tough weight-DB lat pull overs x 10-Banded face pulls x 12-15 Metcon7 rounds for time:7 deadlifts7 hang power cleans7 thrustersRX 95/65RX+ 135/95
by Kelly McKinney | Jan 9, 2023 | WOD
WOD StrengthE3M x 5 sets:Split Jerk x 3*start light and build based on feel, don’t exceed RPE 8-9/80% MetCon10min AMRAP:9 russian kbs 53/35 70/536 burpees3 wall walks*/9 HSPU *scaled wall walks = 9 push-ups
by Kelly McKinney | Jan 8, 2023 | WOD
WOD StrengthE90S x 9 sets:Set 1-3: 3 position snatch (hip, hang, floor)Set 4-6: 2 position snatch (hang, floor)Set 7-9: 1 snatch*if able, receive in a squat, or receive high and try to ride out the OHS as best as possible *go based on feel, start light and build,...
by Kelly McKinney | Nov 30, 2022 | Events
On November 14th, Darren Smith lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis, passing away at the age of 59. Darren joined CrossFit Wylie in November of 2012, just 5 months after receiving a double lung transplant. Darren was incredibly inspiring and proof that anyone can...
by Kelly McKinney | Sep 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
WOD Warm-up PVC/Dynamic 2 Sets100m jog10 hollow arch swings8 bb front rack squats5 bb strict press Snatch Progression StrengthEMOM x 10 Minutes1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch (below knee) + 1 Hang Power Snatch (above knee) Conditioning3 rounds for time:400m run21...