
WOD Warm-up10 Blackburns10 Cat Cows10 Dive Bomber Push-ups10 Alt Tripod w/ OH Reach 2 Sets15 Banded Supinated Pull-aparted3 Paused Chin-ups (3sec hold at top)2 Wall Walk + 5sec Handstand Hold StrengthPush Press + Push JerkWarm-up, then 4 working sets of 3+3...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets20′ Bear Crawl + 20′ Quadruped Backwards Bear Crawl12 Strict Knee Raises10e/leg Single Leg KB DL10 Alt KB Cossack Squats (staying low) Strength3 Sets4 Tempo Back Squats (40X0)10 DB Romanian Deadlift (2010) ConditioningEMOM x 4 Rounds (16...


CrossFit Wylie’s 10 Year Anniversary WOD Conditioning “CrossFit Wylie’s First Workout”For Time (10 Minute Cap):Run 200m21 Burpees21 Sit-upsRun 200m15 Burpees15 Sit-upsRun 200m9 Burpees9 Sit-ups Rest 2 Minutes, then… Complete 4 Rounds in...


WOD Warm-up3 Sets5e/side Shinbox Goodmorning20′ Spiderman w/ Twist20′ Quadruped Bear Crawls6e/side Hip Airplanes15sec Bike Sprint (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh3aSS3jPX4 StrengthBack Squat: 1-2 Warm-up sets, then 4 working sets of 4 Tempo: 41X1...


WOD Hot Start/ConditioningAMRAP in 8 Minutes:3 Pull-ups6 Push-ups9 Air Squats *Rx+ Perform normal rounds of Cindy (5/10/15) StrengthClose Grip Bench Press4 Sets – building12/10/8/6 reps Rest up to 2mins between sets Conditioning1 Minute per each...