Fri – 11/22/2013

Thanksgiving Schedule Wed – Morning Classes Only Thur – CLOSED Fri – 12:00PM Only (More TBD) Sat – 9:00AM & 10:00AM WOD 1A) Strict Pull-Ups 4X3-5 @30X2 tempo Rest 60 seconds 1B) Weighted Step Ups 4X6 each leg Rest 60 seconds 2) 5 minute...

Thur – 11/21/2013

The World Famous Bench Press First, let me start by saying that our primary goal is to obtain elite fitness (strength and conditioning), not just look the part. It just so happens that the fittest people on the planet also have some of the best looking bodies. The...

Wed – 11/20/2013

10 Things, Mentally Strong CrossFitters Don’t Do Ron got his first muscle up on Tuesday morning before most of us were awake! Great work man! WOD 1) Back Squat 5X5@70-80% Rest 3 minutes between sets and use that time to work shoulder mobility 2) In teams of...

Tue – 11/19/2013

We are trying not going to get too excited until we get EVERYTHING done, but the City and the helpful members of the Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment ruled in our favor and granted the variance we were seeking. Remodeling should start very soon. Thank you to everyone...

Mon – 11/18/2013

We still need some volunteers for the Weightlifting Meet (Dec 21). I think everyone should be lifting in it, but if you don’t want to lift, come help us out! Sign up here. WOD 1) Take 10-12 minutes to work up to a heavy Clean 2) EMOM for 20 minutes (20 rounds):...

Sat – 11/16/2013

Saturday Schedule 9AM WOD 10AM WOD 11AM Competition Training & Open Gym WOD In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Thrusters (75/55 lb) 15 Burpees Only one partner may be working on the triplet at a time, and...