Friday – 121122

9AM WOD ONLY Y’all eat plenty? Good, real good. WOD “Turkey Hangover” (Refer to whiteboard in gym for more info…) EXTRA If (and be polite when you ask) Chase or Jeff have the time to join you: Bench Press 8-5-5-3-3-3 NOTES: Use this rep scheme...

Thursday – 121122

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! We have a lot to be thankful for! Thank you all for making this little gym such a success. The best is yet to come! WOD REST DAY (No Classes)

Wednesday – 121121

NO AFTERNOON CLASSES Happy Birthday Erin, Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Try not to go back for thirds (or fourths), you can always eat the left overs later… WOD 10 min of Clean Practice – Heavy but PERFECT -then- “Gobble Race” 6X200M Sprint...

Tuesday – 121120

Parker Jackson w/ 250# Snatch (off Blocks) Our Blocks and Jerk Boxes arrive Tuesday. Who’s pumped? Schedule Update: NO AFTERNOON CLASSES WEDNESDAY We Will be out of town and Chase had something come up so you afternooners get an additional day off. You’re...

Monday – 121119

Who’s Next?! THANKSGIVING SCHEDULE: Mon – Tues: Regular Wed: 5:30AM, 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM ONLY Thur: CLOSED Fri: 9:00AM ONLY SAT: CLOSED NO KIDS CLASS THIS WEEK. We will be making some changes to the kids program. As you have notice the turnout...

Friday – 121116

Happy Birthday Mai! If you signed up for a hoodie, we will or have added it to your account. You must pay (online or in person) by Sunday night to guarantee your order. Overstock will be VERY limited. Saturday: 8:30AM Olympic Weightlifting 10:00AM Team WOD WOD EMOM...