Fri – 05/03/2013

No motivational stuff tonight. Go sign up for MDM then get into the gym and get to work! Saturday: 8:00AM Open Gym 9:30AM WOD WOD For Time: 20 Burpees 20 Jumping Squats 20 Ring Dips 20 Thrusters 95/65# 20 Pullups 20 Pistols 20 Toes-to-Bar 20 Push Press 95/65# Run 400M...

Thur – 05/02/2013

Today was a hard one. For those of you that struggled, I promise two things… You will be better next time we do it (at the end of the month), and you are not the only one. “Nancy” is the reason I became so involved with CrossFit. I was about a month...

Wed – 05/01/2013

Paleo Challenge Week 2 Winner: Amanda Puckett Amanda has consistently had the best journal posts and lost over 4″! Your journal entries are there to offer accountability and for us to provide instruction. Use them! Please… Clean up after yourselves! Clean...

Tues – 04/30/2013

Cassie Powell – 165# Clean Attempt (Made 155#): Caleb Fisher – 265# Clean: WOD 15 Min to Establish 1 RM Front Squat -then- 12 Min AMRAP of: 20 Walking Lunges 15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75# 10 Burpees Over Box 24/20 5 HSPU (Regionals Standard) Scale HSPUs...
Paleo Recipes by Amanda Pucket

Paleo Recipes by Amanda Pucket

Avocado, Bacon, Tomato and Egg Salad Ingredients: * 2 boiled eggs, chopped into chunks * 1 large avocado, slightly smashed * 1 medium-sized tomato, chopped into chunks * Juice from one lemon wedge * 2-4 cooked pieces of bacon, crumbled * Salt and pepper to taste...