
WOD Primer 2 Rounds 6 e/side Banded Sidesteps 4 e/side Sing Leg Glute Bridge 1 Wall Walk + 10 sec Hold Strength Bench Press: 5 sets of 5 @ 31X1 tempo Conditioning 4 Rounds for Time: 16 Single DB Clean & Jerk (50/35) 60′ Single DB Walking Lunge 300M...


WOD Mobility Quad Smash Couch Stretch Pec Smash Primer 2 Rounds: 6-8 Banded Supinated Row 6-8 Prone Banded Hamstring Curl 6-8 Hollow Rocks Conditioning Part A: EMOM x 4 Rounds: 5-15 Strict Chinups 50’x2 Sled Drag 60 sec Plank Part B: 800M...


READ: December’s Newsletter, Programming Preview, & Schedule Updates WOD Mobility Hamstring Smash w/ LX Ball Hamstring Wall Stretch 90/90 Hip Stretch Primer 3 Rounds: 6 e/side Half Kneeling Press 8 Renegade Rows 8 DB Angle Press Conditioning For Time: 1000M...


WOD Primer 3 Rounds: 6 e/arm KB Clean and Press 10 Explosive Med ball Press 10 KB Goodmornings Conditioning In teams of 2, 3 Rounds for Time: 30 Power Clean (135/95) 30 Push Jerk (135/95) 30 Burpee Over...