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WOD StrengthE3M x 4 sets -10 deadlifts, either complete all sets at your heaviest weight from last week or if you are able to, go up 5% from where...

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WOD Strength E3.5M x 6 sets:- 3 bench press w/ :3 pause at chest(try to complete all sets at the weight you ended at last week or go up if able)-10...

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WOD StrengthE3.5M x 4 sets:Back squat x 8 @ 40-45% immediately followed by…Max effort front squats Metcon8min AMRAP: -2 KB swings RX 53/35, RX+...

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WOD MetConToday's workout is in honor of Sean Keller. He loved playing 21 in basketball, therefore the 21 reps in the workout.In teams of 2, one...

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WOD StrengthSkill day and flush WOD 5 sets for quality: -DB curtsy squats x 10/leg (complete all reps on one leg first then the other)- 5 Tempo dips...

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WOD StrengthE2M x 6 sets: Split jerk x 3*start light and build based on feel, don’t exceed RPE 8-9/80% MetCon4 Rounds for time: 15/12 cal bike12 alt...

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WOD StrengthE4M x 5 sets: -Pause bench press x 4 w/ :3 pause at chest, try to complete all sets at the weight you ended at last week-DB lat pull...

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WOD StrengthE90S x 9 sets: Set 1-3: 3 position snatch (hip, hang, floor)Set 4-6: 2 position snatch (hang, floor)Set 7-9: 1 snatch *go based on feel,...

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